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Is it okay to tease other people?

Is it okay to tease other people?

I received this question the other day from our Have A Question page regarding turning on someone else other than your spouse: My wife and I have been married for 12 year’s,I have realized that I enjoy my wife wearing top’s that she can expose

Creative Conversation Starters for couples – Book Review

Creative Conversation Starters for couples - 100+ prompts to kick start your communication - Book Review

Creative Conversation Starters for couples – 100+ prompts to kick start your communication – Book ReviewCreative Conversation Starters for couples – 100+ prompts to kick start your communication – Book ReviewKeelie and Austin Reason of LoveHopeAdventure.com sent me a book of conversation starters a while

Does losing weight improve your sex life?

Does losing weight improve your sex life?

Way back in March, someone asked the question, “How does being overweight affect the quality of your sex life?” on our Have A Question page.  So, I asked who wanted to be involved in a long-term study to see if there’s a connection between getting fit

Do Christians have sex during their period?

Do Christians have sex during the wife's period?

Way back in May, I started a survey on period sex.  I said I would do the analysis when we hit 600 respondents.  Well, I give up.  We hit 490 and it’s sat there for the last two months.  I stopped badgering the mailing list

Your spouse may need time to want sex

Your spouse may need time to desire sex

Something that’s often hard for those of us who are interested in sex more often to understand why our spouses don’t want sex as often.  While working through my questions backlog, I saw this one, and wanted to answer it: What does it mean for

Should I listen to my husband or God?

Should I listen to my husband or God?

This morning I was listening to someone answer this question from one of their readers: What does a wife do when her conviction regarding a spiritual principle is different than her husbands?  For example, I have a conviction that we should be tithing. For a while

There are no salvation issues

There are no salvation issues, there are only relationship issues

Yesterday I mentioned that, when discussing theology, there are no “salvation issues”.  I said I’d elaborate on that today.  It’s common in Christianity to side-step theology conflicts by saying Well, it’s not a salvation issue This usually means This won’t save you or cause you